Pennies for Peace: Thank you to Bryant Students

Dear Students of Bryant Montessori,

I am awed and humbled to hear of your remarkable Pennies for Peace campaign. First of all, the amount you have raised is extraordinary. The efforts you have made to help children you don’t know, who are half a world away, are so moving to all of us. It reminds me of something a friend told me once “you have not lived, until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” I know you are all so proud of what you have accomplished!

Your donation of $8000 can do so much good in Pakistan & Afghanistan. Let me give you an idea, your $8000 can:
• Support one school for a whole year, plus
• Support two advanced students with scholarships, plus
• Pay for one teacher, plus
• Pay for one year’s school supplies for 40 students

When you got started did you ever know you were going to go so far? But what is almost more important is the time and effort you have put into learn about a part of the world so different than yours. I hope in this process you saw the differences between your lives, and the lives of the students in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but I also hope you saw the similarities. Because after all, we are more similar than we know!

If Greg Mortenson were with you today he would tell you two things: 1) Always learn! Always look around the next corner and find out new things about the world; and 2) Take the time for tea, take the time to build relationships, in you school, in your community, and around the world.

Congratulations on your remarkable Pennies for Peace campaign. We are honored to have you participate.

Kindest regards,

Christiane Leitinger
Pennies for Peace, Director
A Program of Central Asia Institute
P.O. Box 7209
Bozeman, MT 59771
Tel: 406-585-7841, Direct Line 303-674-7940

“Building bridges of peace, one penny at a time.”

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