Grocery Shopping

DSC_0793While we have been here the children have been eating mostly papa, milk and morejo(greens). The pantry is quite bare. Today we took Sr. Juliana shopping for food. We have $1000.00 that was donated by our friends and family for food and formula. It is exciting to be able to provide this gift to the center in the name of our community. Our hope was to spend ½ of the funds today and to leave the other half to replenish the pantry as needed.

Sr. Julianna took us to Fairways Grocery store. Most of the stores in Lesotho are owned by the Chinese. They are cheaper, but the quality of the food is not good. Sr. Julianna is very clear that she does not want to support the Chinese stores. So we went to Fairways. Fairways is bigger than a 7-11 but smaller than most U.S. Grocery stores. Perhaps it is about the size of the Grocery Outlet in Tacoma.The biggest difference is that there may be 2 different brands of a similar product instead of the many different brands that you find in a U.S. grocery store. We were able to buy large quantities of rice, frozen chicken, canned fish, beans, bread, meat, papa, formula, and cleaning supplies at Fairways. From the local stalls outside we bought fruits and vegetables. We loaded it all into the van. As we drove home, I asked Sister Julianna how long these supplies would last. She replied, “2-3 months.” We spent about $600.00. Imagine feeding 20 children and 3 adults on $600.00 for 2-3 months. Amazing!